JMAN, Picks to Click, SKEEBALL, The SKEE League

Hello! Welcome to our ninth installment of The SKEE League! My name is Jman, also known as Skeemander-in-Chief, The Enforcer, VP of Skee, or “The Favorite.” My duties include keeping statistics, managing league nights, and overseeing matches…. but, my most important dutyis to make sure everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, is having a good time. I also write this blog once per week during the skeeson as a chance to speak my mind and give my thoughts on everything involving the league.

Before I begin, I want to thank the veterans who have returned and the rookskees who have decided to try our league out for the first time! When I thought about what to write, I came across our starting league date, which will be 3 year ago this Tuesday! Happy Anniverskeery!!!  I thought, in honor of our 9th skeeson starting on the 9th day of the 9th month of the year, I will reveal 9 things that you need to know. Some of these things you will know if you have played before and not as much if you are a first timer.

1) Operating at 2 locations: For the first time ever, The SKEE League will be operating at 2 different locations around the same time. As you know, Glascott’s will start this Tuesday and Windy City Inn will officially start on September 30th, 3 weeks later. These locations will run their own independent skeeson, meaning the two leagues won’t combine together into one.

2) How the locations will split us (league representatives): Beginning on September 30th, myself and the SKEE-EO will split time between the two location, with one of us at one location and one of us will be at the other.

3) New People On Board: In Skeeson 9, we do have a new intern (Dhruv Patel) and a new Tullamore D.E.W representative (Mary-Jade or M.J.) joining us! I have met both of these people recently and they are both pretty cool. I think you guys will love these two additions! You will meet them soon enough to know them better.

4) Tips and Tricks: Since our inception 3 years ago, we have developed ways to roll successfully. These tips and tricks that we have do work! It works so much so that I wrote a blog about it in Skeeson 7. If I was giving advice to our new rollers this skeeson, I would say to them, try to develop your own rolling form first. There are some people in the league that have and it has worked for them. If that doesn’t, then you can ask any of our league representatives to help you out. We want to give every roller the best chance to succeed!

5) The Phantom “0”: I’d rather mention this now (in case it potentially happens it happens Week 1)  but on some occasions the machine sensors go out and give you a score of ZERO, which you actually rolled the ball in a “POINT HOLE.”  So it might say you rolled a “0” when you actually rolled a 50. If you notice this happening, please report it,  and just remember to add the value of what you actually rolled to your round score. If you do roll an actual “0”, then , then you have no excuse, and need to get down and do your 10 lane push-ups.

6) Mystery Round: We typically don’t start this Mystery Rounds until Week 3, but we do have a fun, booze incentive competition called “The Mystery Round”. It is a random round which changes from week to week where you roll 9 balls following whatever rules are given. The scores here don’t count towards your team or individual statistics, it’s just for fun, but the top 3 high scores from each night have the opportunity to win a free drink the following week. SCORE!

7) $10 Sub Rule: We know that life is full of twists and turns, and there will be some nights you can’t make it. Just remember, you are responsible for finding a sub and they need to cover the $10 for gameplay. Your league dues cover all 8 of your regular skeeson rounds, including playoffs and your makeups. Subs are additional games rolled and additional $ to put in the machines. I would suggest if you are going to be out just remind your sub to pay the $10 so you are not paying more than you need to. I know this was in a previous skeemail, but I am telling you this as a reminder so you aren’t surprised when this situation comes up.

8) Keeping Tracking of Time: We have a schedule every week that we try to keep up with. It is important that we keep track of time so everyone plays at the time they are scheduled to. Part of that is on us to make sure you have the things you need as you are ready to play. Also, part of that is on you, the roller, to know when you are playing and showing up on time. I know things happen that can be out of your control that may cause a delay and we can understand that. If that happens, please let us know ASAP so we can act accordingly.

9) Late Night Skee: Some of you know this, but at the end of our league nights if there are still a few rollers left hanging around the bar, we’ll usually do  a little something called “Late Night Skee”. We play various games, such as Skeevivor, Knockout, SKEE, Mini High-Roller Tourney, and/or Around The World. It is a great way to improve your game while you are not in actual competition. So, if you are playing at a late time or want to improve your game, stick around. Late night skee is where champions are made.

Last but not least, if there is something you are not sure about, don’t hesitate to ask myself or SKEE-EO. There are no dumb questions here!

All right, let’s do this. Best of luck on Week 1!!!

Skee you out there,
