LYFT CODE: R2R3V9 = $10 credit 

(Works for first time lyft users or those who haven’t entered a coupon code.)

Chicago Lyft Code, Chicago Lyft Credit, Chicago Lyft

Wanna roll with the SKEE-EO? Good news! There’s an app for that!

Yessiree. As of today I’m officially driving with Lyft, a cool on-demand rideshare platform with a “friends driving friends” premise. Just download the Lyft APP on your smartphone and insert your credit card info (no cash ever changes hands.) Then you connect through Facebook and you’re all set!

(It’s basically UBER with a fun, friendly twist.)

That $10 credit should be enough for a free ride if you stay within the city limits. 🙂

I give shout outs about my adventures on twitter @SKEELYFT

*** Wanna be a Lyft driver? Email me for the scoop at or use my name as a referral and apply through the app***

PS. Yes, I realize I already posted this exact same thing on the Facebook page. I’m trying to win a referral contest here, people!